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Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
Our Time Has Come (OTHC) Endowed Scholarship in Engineering |
119 Euclid Student Activities Fund |
1959 National Championship Team Endowed Football Scholarship Fund |
Academic Programs Discretionary Fund |
Access Audio Fund |
Accounting Excellence Fund |
Advertising Department Gift Fund |
African American Accounting Alumni Endowed Scholarship - Developing |
African American Studies Fund |
Aging Studies Institute |
Alan K. Campbell Public Affairs Institute Endowment |
Alejandro Garcia Latino/Hispanic Excellence in Social Work Fund |
Alexander Lowenstein Pan Am 103 Archives Memorial Endowed Fund |
Allman-Manning Vocal Music Memorial Scholarship |
Allyn Innovation Center Construction Fund |
Alpha Kappa Alpha Iota Upsilon Chapter Alumnae 1975 Legacy Graduate Scholarship |
Alpha Kappa Alpha Iota Upsilon Chapter Alumnae Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Alpha Phi Alpha Delta Zeta Scholarship |
America Serves |
Anibal Torres and Isabelle Wilczewski Endowed Fund |
Ann Selkowitz Litt Distinguished Speaker Series |
Annual Fund |
Architecture Parent's Fund |
Art and Music Histories (Formerly Fine Arts) |
Arts & Sciences Scholarships |
Arts and Sciences Student Experience Fund |
Astrid E. Merget Endowed Fellowship Fund |
Athletic Bands Gift Fund |
Athletics Opportunity Fund |
Ballentine Investment Institute |
Baptist Chaplaincy Gift Fund |
Barnes Center at The Arch Fund |
Berj A. Harootunian Award |
Berlin SPM Sport Analytics Support Fund |
Bill Coplin Policy Studies Scholarship |
Biology Discretionary Fund |
Birkhead-Burkhead Fund |
Bleier Center for Media and Popular Culture |
Boston Orange Fund |
Brady Kay Howell Graduate Scholarship Fund |
Brian McLane Accessibility Fund |
Bridge to the City Teacher Preparation Program |
Broadcast and Digital Journalism Department Support Fund |
Buddhist Chaplaincy Gifts |
Buffalo Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Burrell-Belfer Audio Laboratory Quasi Endowment |
C. Dwight Waldo Graduate Scholarship Fund in Public Administration |
Campus Grounds Beautification Gifts |
Carmelo K. Anthony Basketball Center |
Center for Career Services and Experiential Learning Support Fund |
Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship Fund |
Center for Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises |
Center for Environmental Policy and Administration Discretionary Fund |
Center for Fellowship & Scholarship Advising Fund (CFSA) |
Center on Disability and Inclusion (CDI) Gift Fund |
Center on Human Policy Gift Fund |
Charters Fund for Educators of Adults |
Cheer Squad Head Coach's Fund |
Cheerleader and Mascot Gift Fund |
Chemical Engineering Department Account |
Chemistry Department Fund |
Chicago Orange Fund |
Citizenship and Civic Engagement Program Fund |
Class of 1950 Continuing Education Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1951 Gift Account |
Class of 1952 Endowment Fund |
Class of 1953 Gifts |
Class of 1956 Endowment Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1961 Account |
Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship |
Class of '74 Endowed Scholarship Fund (Our Time Has Come) |
CNYWBA Beatrice Krupkin L’76 Endowed Scholarship |
Coach Mac Food Pantry Support Fund |
Collaborative Demonstration Project |
College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Fund |
College of Engineering and Computer Science General Scholarship Fund |
College of Law Annual Fund |
College of Law Building Fund |
College of Law Scholarship and Financial Aid Fund |
College of Professional Studies Alumni Supported Scholarship Fund |
College of Professional Studies Dean's Annual Fund |
College of Professional Studies OTHC Scholarship |
Communication Sciences and Disorders Fund |
Community Folk Art Center |
Connie Caldwell Summer Internship Award |
Connie Orlando ’89 Endowed Scholarship |
Contemplative Collaborative Fund |
Corinne R. Smith Study Abroad Program Fund |
Corning Scholars Program |
Coronat Scholarship Fund |
Counselor Education Gift Fund |
CPS Non-Traditional Undergraduate Scholarship |
Cressey-James Geography Fund |
Cross Country/Track Head Coach's Fund |
Cultural Foundations Education Curriculum Gifts |
Cultural Foundations of Education Faculty & Student Support Fund |
'CUSE50 Gift Fund |
Cynthia and Stuart Bretschneider Endowed Scholarship Fund |
D.C. Alumni Club Internship Fund |
Dance Team Gifts |
D'Aniello Institute for Veterans & Military Families General Fund |
D'Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families |
Dave Bing Endowed Scholarship Fund |
DC Immersion Week |
Dean Diane Lyden Murphy Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dean Edith Smith Scholarship Fund |
Dean Howard B. Gundy Endowed Graduate Scholarship Fund in the School of Social Work |
Dean Lorraine E. Branham Scholarship |
Dean's Fund for College of Visual and Performing Arts |
Dean's Fund for the iSchool |
Dean's Fund for the School of Education |
Deborah A. Barnes Pet Therapy Program Support Fund |
Delta Beta Executive Alumni Foundation Fund |
Delta Sigma Theta Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies Gift Fund |
Department of Drama Gift Fund |
Department of Film and Media Arts Gift Fund |
Department of Science Teaching Fund |
Design Gift Fund |
Disability Cultural Center-Charles David Gover Spec Needs Fund |
Discretionary Fund - Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Discretionary Fund - Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
Discretionary Fund-Bio Engineering |
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Fund |
Donald Kibbey Mathematics Fund |
Donovan McNabb and Raquel-Ann Nurse McNabb |
Doris Soladay Endowed Scholarship for Women's Athletics |
Douglas P. Biklen Landscape of Urban Education Lecture Series Fund |
Dr. Alice Sterling Honig Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Donald Meiklejohn Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. James A. Mandel Prize for Achievement in Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Dr. Renie Kehres Special Needs Fund |
Earth Sciences Department Gifts Fund |
Economics Department Fund |
ECS Ambassadors Fund |
ECS Dean's Fund for Excellence |
English Department Fund |
Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) |
Eta Pi Upsilon Scholarship |
Evangelical Chaplaincy Gift Fund |
Exercise Science Discretionary Fund |
Faculty Excellence Fund |
Faculty Research & Development Fund |
Falk College Career Services Fund |
Falk College Dean's Discretionary Fund |
Falk College General Scholarship Fund |
Falk Complex General Renovation Fund |
Finance Program Fund |
Fisher Center NYC Fund |
Florence Gift Account |
Florence Legacy Fund |
Food Studies Discretionary Fund |
Football Head Coach's Fund |
Franklin Center for Supply Chain Management |
Friends of Anthropology Department Fund |
Friends of Creative Writing |
Friends of the School of Architecture |
Fund for the Future: Syracuse University College of Law Scholarship Endowment |
General Athletic Scholarship Fund |
General Supported Scholarship Fund |
Geography and the Environment Department Fund |
Georgia Scholars Fund |
Goldring Journalism Gift |
Health and Exercise Science and Physical Education Majors Club |
Health and Wellness Gift Fund |
Hendricks Chapel Benevolence Fund |
Hendricks Chapel Choir Gift Fund |
Hendricks Chapel Dean's Discretionary Fund |
Hendricks Chapel Student Opportunity Fund |
Hendricks Office of Engagement Programs Gift Fund |
Higher Education Gift Fund |
Hillel at Syracuse University |
Historically Black Church Chaplaincy Gift Fund |
History Department Fund |
History of Sport Production Fund |
Holocaust and Genocide Studies Program Fund |
Human Development and Family Science Discretionary Fund |
Humanities Center Gift Fund |
iConsult Collaborative Support Fund |
InclusiveU Gift Fund |
Institute for Democracy, Journalism and Citizenship Fund |
Institute for Security Policy and Law Fund |
International Relations Undergraduate Program Fund |
International Student Support Fund |
Invention Accelerator Fund |
iSchool Undergraduate Scholarship |
ISDP Gifts |
James D. Kuhn Real Estate Center Fund |
Jeffrey Katzer Doctoral Student Fund |
Jewish Studies Program Fund |
Jim Boeheim ’66 G’73 Central New York Scholarship |
Joanne Blumin '66 Endowed Scholarship |
Joel Bostick Technology Fund |
John Ben Snow and Vernon Snow MPA Fellowship Endowed Fund |
John James Prucha Endowed Field Research Fund |
Kappa Chapter of Omega PSI PHI Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Karen B. Winnick Literacy Initiative |
Kermit J. Lee Jr. Endowed Scholarship |
Kevin Richardson Endowed Scholarship |
L. Kelly Atkinson, Jr. ’79 Endowed Scholarship |
La Unidad Latina-Theta Chapter Endowed Scholarship |
Languages, Literatures and Linguistics Fund |
Larry Barron Fund for Mentorship |
Latino Alumni Network of Syracuse University (LANSU) Scholarship Fund |
LaunchPad Innovation Gift Fund |
Law Advocacy Program Fund |
Leadership and Public Service High School |
Leon O. Woods Scholarship Fund |
LGBT Resource Center Gift Fund |
Library Innovation Fund |
Library Student Employee Scholarship |
Lois and Martin J. Whitman Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Lois C. Otten Endowed Scholarship Fund |
London Gift Account |
Louis Kriesberg Family Fund for Constructive Conflict Studies |
Lubin House Gift Account |
Lutheran Chaplaincy fund |
M. Eunice Hilton Scholarship Fund |
Magazine, News and Digital Journalism Gifts Fund |
Major Grant Williams Memorial Scholarship |
Management Program Fund |
Marjorie Cantor Professorship in Social Gerontology Fund |
Marketing Program |
Marriage and Family Therapy Discretionary Fund |
Martin Bandier Music Business Program Fund |
Mary Ann Shaw Center for Public & Community Service |
Mathematics Department Fund |
Matthew R. Wanetik Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Maxwell Endowed Graduate Scholarship Fund |
Maxwell 10th Decade Citizenship Fund |
Maxwell Career Development Gift Fund |
Maxwell Dean's Fund |
Maxwell Support Fund for the Democracy, Journalism and Citizenship Institute |
Maxwell Undergraduate Scholarship Fund |
Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering Gift Fund |
MENAT Regional Council Scholarship Fund |
Men's Basketball Head Coach's Fund |
Men's Crew Head Coach's Fund |
Men's Lacrosse Head Coach's Fund |
Men's Soccer Head Coach's Fund |
Michael D. Veley Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Michael O. Sawyer Endowed Chair In Constitutional Law Fund |
Middle Eastern Studies Program Fund |
Millard Hall Jr. and Lynette G. Hall, DNP Minority Veteran Scholarship |
Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs |
Multimedia Photography and Design Fund |
Muslim Chaplaincy Gift Fund |
National Security, International Security and Executive Education |
National Veterans Resource Center |
Native Student Program Fund |
Newhouse Career Development Center |
Newhouse Dean's Fund |
Newhouse Graduate Scholarship Fund |
Newhouse in NYC |
Newhouse Public Relations Department Gifts |
Newhouse Sports Communications Program Fund |
Newhouse Supported Scholarship Fund |
North China Support Fund |
Nutrition Science and Dietetics Discretionary Fund |
Office of Alumni Relations Fund |
Office of Multicultural Advancement Gifts |
Office of Supportive Services/HEOP |
Onward to Opportunity (O2O) |
Orange Legends Scholarship |
Orange Plus Women's Athletics Program |
Otey and Barbara Scruggs History Fund |
OTHC Midwin Charles Endowed Scholarship - Developing |
Other |
Our Time Has Come (OTHC) Endowed Scholarship |
Our Time Has Come (OTHC) Endowed Scholarship in Arts & Sciences |
Our Time Has Come (OTHC) Endowed Scholarship in Public Communications |
Our Time Has Come (OTHC) Graduate Endowed Scholarship |
Our Time Has Come Vaughn Harper and Bernie Penceal Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Pan Am Flight 103 Gifts |
Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Air Disaster Archivist Endowed Fund |
PARCC Institute Fund |
Patricia Kutner Strait Student Scholarship Fund |
Peter A. Horvitz Chair in Journalism Innovation Fund |
Peter B. Mosenthal Graduate Scholarship |
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Theta Xi Chapter Endowed Scholarship - Developing |
Philosophy Department Fund |
Physics Department Fund |
Plastics Industry Projects Fund |
Policy Studies Discretionary Fund |
Political Science Department Fund |
Professional Development Fund for IDDE |
Professorship in Sustainable Energy Studies Fund |
Project Transition |
Psychology Department Fund |
Public Administration and International Affairs Department Fund |
Public Communications Gift Account |
Public Diplomacy Fund |